(For houses that can be either 1×1 or 2×2, the number shown is for the 2×2 version of the house.)ĭesirability: This is different from the “Evolve” value found earlier in the chart. 7 for a 7% tax rate, or 1.5 for a 15% tax rate, etc. I chose 10% because it is easy to adjust for other tax rates.
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For example, on Hard and with the default 9% tax rate, a full common residence pays annual taxes of: 80 * 3 * 9% * 6 = 129 debens.” The number in the bottom row (the larger value, right-justified) is the amount of tax that a full house of this level will pay at a 10% tax rate. Again, I am quoting Nero Would: “To calculate the annual taxes paid by a house, you multiply the number of occupants by the tax rate multiplier, by the city tax rate, and by 6. The number in the top row (the smaller value, left-justified) is the “tax rate multiplier” for the house. Taxes: For each level of difficulty, you will find two numbers corresponding to each level of housing. For example, if you are playing on Hard and have 1300 people living in Rough Cottages (100 Rough Cottages if they are all full) and you have 1000 people living in Common Residences (say 25 Common Residences each half full), your prosperity cap is: (1300*25 + 1000*60) / 2300 = 40″ Add up this number for each house in your city, divide by the total population and round down to a whole number. To calculate the prosperity cap, multiply the prosperity value of each house by the current (not maximum) population. But your prosperity will not increase above a “cap” that is determined by the prosperity values of your housing. Prosperity: I can’t explain this any better than Nero Would did: “Your Prosperity Rating is evaluated every 3 months and may increase depending on your cities profitability, unemployment, wages and other factors. Services: What you must provide, in addition to the desirability of the area and entertainment, for housing to evolve to this level. There is also an entertainment bonus available, which can amount to a maximum of 20 points. A brief summary on Entertainment: You get 10 points for a Juggler, 20 points for a Musician, 30 points for a Dancer and 40 points for a Senet House (or Zoo if you have Cleo installed).

The amount of entertainment required increases as the difficulty level increases and is shown in the bottom row, left justified. Entertainment: Entertainment must be provided for housing to evolve beyond Rough Cottage.

This value increases as the difficulty level increases and is shown in the top row, right justified. For housing that covers more than a 1×1 area, at least one tile must obtain this minimum value. Evolve: For housing to develop to this level, the Desirability of the area must obtain this minimum value. These include the desirability of the area necessary to Evolve, Entertainment points required and the necessary Services that need to be provided. In the columns with the gray heading are listed all of the requirements for housing to evolve to the designated level. Pop (Population): The maximum number of people that the house will hold. For housing that can be either 1×1 or 2×2, both are listed. Siz (Size): Size of the housing that this level produces. The horizontal bands of color are to aid in reading across the chart. VH=Very Hard, H=Hard, N=Normal, E=Easy and VE=Very Easy. With the “entertainment bonus”, a Stately Manor could be evolved on Normal Difficulty (and on Hard Difficulty if Cleo isn’t installed) without a Senet House.Ĭolors: The vertical bands of color have been used to distinguish the various Difficulty Levels. *** The chart that Grumpus The Elder made (for Normal Difficulty) had “Senet House” at this location. ** For the Very Easy Level, 3 types of food are not required. * For the Easy Difficulty Level, 3 Gods are not required until you get to Stately Manor. PHARAOH/CLEOPATRA HOUSING CHART – Housing Level